
The portfolio represents work created by the talents at Clear Graphic Design as a studio, and as an independent designer. Additional work is continually posted, so do visit our work section often!

Click on any one of the thumbnails to view the work.

Giant Steps
Cape Breton Highlands
Royal Maurice
Renu (Cosmetic + Reconstructive Surgery)
Web of Knowledge
Thomson Scientific
Ecological Integrity
United States Department of Agriculture
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Sign Planning and Trailhead System/Signage Design
Agency Parks Canada - Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
Description Integrated National Park Trailhead Orientation signage system and design for Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada in Nova Scotia.
Background This large undertaking was Phase 1 of a two-year-long project teaming up with several experts from various disciplines at Parks Canada. A new signage system including new sign designs was required at the park. The hiking trails were identified as the first phase for this world-famous 950-square-kilometre national park on the east coast of Canada. The objectives were to create a series of updated signs within a cohesive system that would support new and up-to-date information about the park itself (on many levels) as well as design more current, visually pleasing designs that would compliment its surroundings with both official languages in mind.
Team Project management/Planning/Site scouting/Image research/Concept/Design: Malini MacDonald at Parks Canada; Cartography: Parks Canada ASC cartography section; GIS: Parks Canada; Copy: Cape Breton Highlands National Park and Parks Canada ASC official language specialist.
Clear Graphic Design

visual communication design studio
+1.902.476.4162 | info@cleargraphicdesign.com

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