
The portfolio represents work created by the talents at Clear Graphic Design as a studio, and as an independent designer. Additional work is continually posted, so do visit our work section often!

Click on any one of the thumbnails to view the work.

Giant Steps
Cape Breton Highlands
Royal Maurice
Renu (Cosmetic + Reconstructive Surgery)
Web of Knowledge
Thomson Scientific
Ecological Integrity
United States Department of Agriculture
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Visual Identity Design
Agency Parks Canada
Description Branding, Visual Identity and Information Kit Design for an internal Parks Canada professional development workshop.
Solution "Convergence" was an opportunity for functional specialists from Service Centres across Parks Canada to come together at a professional development workshop. The underlying theme of "Integration" is what inspired the choice for the word itself. "Convergence" represented and implied actions such as: Meet, Connect, Join, Link, Unite, Merge and worked very well in both official languages, i.e. English and French. The overall visual design concept and subtleties represented these professionals coming together and "thinking together as a team", hence the tagline. Since it was an internal event, this was an opportunity to incorporate some "fun" in the visual concept while still communicating all the information appropriately. Included in the overall look and feel as well as through certain graphic elements was also the "location" element, i.e. Halifax, and the unique qualities of the place.

The following "Convergence" pieces were the various collaterals designed, followed by the brand development, that created the information package. The purpose of the branded information package was to help orient participants from across the country during the weeklong workshop, as well as provide information on all sessions.
Team Concept/Design: Malini MacDonald at Parks Canada; Content development, event planning and coordination: Parks Canada Heritage Presentation Specialists
Clear Graphic Design

visual communication design studio
+1.902.476.4162 | info@cleargraphicdesign.com

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