
The portfolio represents work created by the talents at Clear Graphic Design as a studio, and as an independent designer. Additional work is continually posted, so do visit our work section often!

Click on any one of the thumbnails to view the work.

Giant Steps
Cape Breton Highlands
Royal Maurice
Renu (Cosmetic + Reconstructive Surgery)
Web of Knowledge
Thomson Scientific
Ecological Integrity
United States Department of Agriculture
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Aircraft Livery Design
Client Royal Maurice Airlines
Description Visual Livery Concept and Design
Solution The livery concept and design objective was to ensure visual flow and a strong look and feel directly connected to the brand, visual identity and home of the airline conceptually. We worked in close collaboration with the Boeing team during the livery design process to ensure that both the livery design and proposed visual application would be appropriate and functional from both a visual communication design and engineering standpoint. The numerous 3D livery application models, studies and renderings, including this example, were all created by the Boeing team based on CDG's proposed design, in order to help the working group virtually visualize the Royal Maurice Airline aircraft.
Team Concept/Design: Clear Graphic Design; Application studies & rendering: Boeing Team
Clear Graphic Design

visual communication design studio
+1.902.476.4162 | info@cleargraphicdesign.com

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